Free Data Warehouse Bus Matrix Excel Template

Download the free Data Warehouse Bus Matrix Excel template
Used by over 2500 data professionals and students!
Data Warehouse High-Level Design
Input Facts and dimensions, relationships and complexity.
Data Warehouse Project Estimation
Generates an accurate estimate of Data Warehouse build time.
Work Breakdown Structure
Includes an example Data Warehouse Project Work Breakdown Structure with generated costing.
Use Colours to Communicate Status
Use Colours to indicate the development status of each fact and dimension.
“I’ve used this Bus Matrix spreadsheet on all my projects to help design, plan and estimate data warehouses and communicate the scope and progress to stakeholders.”
Use the data warehouse matrix to:
- Document Design – Document the high-level design of your data warehouse
- Estimate – Rate facts and dimensions by complexity. The spreadsheet automatically generates estimates.
- Plan – Make sprints that adhere to a master design.
- Collaborate – Share the Matrix and design with other developers.
- Communicate – Easily communicate the scope, coverage, progress and high-level design to stakeholders.
To use the spreadsheet, you simply:
- Add your Facts and Dimensions and their relationships.
- Set the complexity of each Fact and Dimension.
- As you build, colour facts and dimensions to indicate status.
The spreadsheet will automatically calculate the estimate for the Data Warehouse development.
The download Includes:
- The Data Warehouse matrix spreadsheet template.
- A PDF user guide.
Bonus: The Kimball Data Warehouse matrix spreadsheet includes an additional Data Warehouse ‘Project Work Breakdown Structure’ (WBS) sheet. The Work Breakdown Structure uses the Matrix plus other development phase estimates to generate an overall project estimate.
Ralph Kimball described the Data Warehouse Bus Matrix as the central theme of his Enterprise Data Warehouse Bus Architecture. It is used extensively on Data Warehouse projects today.